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Aromatherapy  Massage

Essential oils are applied to the body to balance and reconnect you with a peaceful experience that relieves stress and allows your muscle to relax and regenerate the body.

Each essential oil can work on your muscles to release tension, improve breathing, de-stress your mind, detox your body, improve flu recovery times and much more. Customised oil mixes have stronger healing effects with their synergies on the human body.   Popular essential oil treatments are Lavender, Frankinscense, Eucalyptus ad Wild Orange and Peppermint.



Essential Oils benefits


Stress Relief

By the far the most popular use of aromatherapy is to help remove stress.

The aromatic products of plants will calm your mind and body. Known aromatic oils that relieve stress are ylang ylan, bergamot, peppermint, lemon and lavender.


Antidepressant power


Yes, it can control depression, a better organic and natural solution to the side-effects of habit forming pharmaceuticals. Often these oils are applied into a essential diffusers to give you treatment. Herbalists recommend the use of Jasmine, Chamomile, Peppermint and Lavender.


Boost memory recall


The loss of memory is common in the senior community. It can be scary not to be able to recall things. An alternative treatment is to use memory-improving oil such as sage as aromas of oils link to better to human memories.



Raise your energy


Life today is hectic, people take caffeine, cigarettes, energy drinks but they do damage the liver, kidneys and glands.

Alternative treatments with black pepper, clove, Jasmine, Rosemary, and tea tree are often used to boost energy without the side effect of manufactured chemicals, foods and drinks.



Aid better sleep


Regularly feeling tired? Feeling like you are missing sleep?

Why don't you try realigning the sleep cycle with Jasmine, Chamomile, Lavender, Sweet Marjoram and Ylang Ylang.


Reduce Pain

For general pain on the legs, back or head, try these aromatic oils such as Clary Sage, Juniper,  Peppermint, Rosemary. These oils can help relieve many pains and bring back your wellness.



Better digestion


Aromatherapy has uses to help better digestion. Oils derived from citrus fruits help with digestion.


Recommended oils are Ginger, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Lavender and Fennel.

Speak to us about your needs and we will find you the essential oil that's right for you at FOUR HANDS body  therapies.





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