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Zulmara Camargo is the founder of FOUR HANDS Body Therapies. She has a unique approach to
bring awareness in people about their own power and capabilities to achieve personal

change and growth.

In her personal path, she discovered a hands‐on healing method that integrates different aspects
of consciousness in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Over the years, between Brazil and Australia, she developed these techniques and incorporated
them to provide people with experiential transformation.

This led her to the creation of a series of Wellness Workshops to apply alternatives to help solve
stress, overcome obstacles and find centeredness, with an intensive program of meditation,
therapeutic dance modalities and Family Constellation solutions.

Zulmara Camargo
Family Constellation and Women Zulmara C

Experienced Massage Therapist, Family Solutions  certfified facilitator and dance coach  and performer.


Founder and manager of FOUR HANDS body therapies.

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